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Friday, July 3, 2009

What is your risk tolerance?

i just took the Risk Tolerance Quiz at MSN Money..
and here are the result:

Your score for risk capacity is 27

With a score between 22 and 29, you have a moderate capacity for risk. You might consider a balanced portfolio, spread between stocks and bonds. Aim for nearly half your portfolio in bonds, with one third of that in very short-term bonds of one to three years, a third in three to five year bonds and a third in five to 10 year bonds. Another 25 percent might go in large company U.S. stocks and 10 to 15 percent in small company stocks. The remainder should be invested overseas with a sprinkling of it in emerging markets. Professional investors estimate that a worst-case scenario for the portfolio just described is that it would be down 11 percent in a year.

Your score for risk tolerance is 37

With a tolerance of 33 to 41, you have a healthy tolerance for risk, but your capacity suggests you may need to consider a moderately risky investment strategy. You may want to consider a portfolio in which about half of the investments are in less risky investments like bonds, combined with investments in large-company U.S. stocks and international funds.

then i took another Investment Risk Tolerance Quiz at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
and the result:

Your Score: 32
You have an above-average tolerance for risk.

Example of common investment:
•Convertible bonds
•High-yield (junk) bond funds
•Large-cap stocks and funds
•S&P 500 & Wilshire 5000 stock index funds
•Variable annuities invested in large-cap stock sub-accounts

not a bad advice rite?
then you should take the quiz too.. ;)
there are a lot of tools to explore..

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