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Sunday, June 28, 2009

menafkahi keperluan?

asas dasar kapitalis ialah mencipta keperluan.. dan asas dasar ekonomi ialah semakin byk keperluan manusia, maka semakin byk peluang perniagaan terbuka, semakin besar pulalah keuntungan kepada peniaga..

disambut pula pendapat pakar ekonomi, bahawa pembangunan tamadun sesebuah bangsa bergantung pada keperluan bangsa itu sendiri.. jika secara budayanya, bangsa itu tidak memerlukan byk keperluan, ia akan cenderung menjadi bangsa 'pemalas' berbanding bangsa yang 'bekerja keras' untuk memenuhi segala keperluannya.. maka budaya 'kerja keras' ini bergantung pada budaya 'keperluan' sesebuah bangsa..

dicontohkan, sepertinya org asli di negara kita yg hidup 'aman' dan 'selesa' dengan rumah sekadar tempat perlindungan, baju sekadar menutup badan, makan apa adanya sekadar kenyang, keperluan mereka yang tidak banyak ini menyebabkan mereka mudah terpuaskan.. jika punya duit banyak juga mereka tetap hidup seperti adanya dan tidak tahu kemana mahu dibelanjakan duit tersebut sewajarnya..

dari perspektif kebanyakan dari kita, 'kecemburuan' kita melihat 'ketenangan' hidup mereka justeru membuat kita melabel mereka dgn kata-kata 'pemalas' dan 'tidak mahu berubah'.. berbanding 'tamadun' dan budaya kita yang bekerja keras siang dan malam mencari 'kemajuan' dalam hidup kita..

dan begitulah budaya kerja kita sekarang telah disusun oleh penjajah beratus tahun dahulu.. bermula dari revolusi perancis lagi.. bahawa kita harus punya sijil sekolah utk dapat pekerjaan yg baik dgn pendapatan yg baik.. bila sudah bekerja dan ada keinginan menikah, kita perlu kumpul duit utk kenduri kahwin.. setelah itu kumpul duit lagi utk beli rumah dan kereta.. seterusnya bila punya anak, kumpul duit lagi utk anak.. setelah itu naik gaji, keperluan naik lagi, kumpul lagi, begitulah tanpa kesudahan.. terus bergerak dalam lingkaran 'rat race' yg kita cipta sendiri..

rutin kerja kebanyakan dari kita ialah dari jam 8:00 pagi hingga jam 5:00 petang.. lima hari seminggu.. menyisakan 2 hari sabtu dan ahad untuk dimanfaatkan berehat dan bersama isteri dan anak2.. ini tidak termasuk jika hujung minggu itu ada pula acara keluarga.. begitu 'keras'nya kita 'bekerja' menafkahi keluarga.. masa hidup kita adalah tempat kerja dan rumah.. itulah keutamaan kita.. inilah budaya hidup kita terkini..

apalah lagi yang boleh kita perbuat dicelah2 kesibukan kita itu? hampir tidak ada.. balik umah pun dah penat.. kdg2 ujung minggu pun kita masih penat.. kalo adapun, hanya mendapat keutamaan kedua.. 'part-time'.. separuh masa, separuh hati..

arakian aku teringat akan satu hadis berkenaan tijarah yg mafhumnya mengatakan bahawa nabi saw paling tidak suka ialah org yg pertama memasuki pasar dan org itulah yg terakhir keluar dari pasar..

apa sebenarnya keperluan kita? dan berapa ramai dari kita bersetuju dgn kenyataan bahawa keperluan kita sentiasa bertambah, dan penambahan itu takkan menjadi kurang, sehingga sesuatu berlaku pada situasi kerja kita.. bila tiada barulah kita menyusun semula keutamaan kita dan memangkas 'keperluan' yg bukan 'keperluan' kita..

inilah kekuatan 'power of suggestion' atau pengiklanan para kapitalis.. menambah keinginan dan keperluan kita.. bukan perlu kerana kita punya lebih duit tapi mmg sudah ditanam dalam minda bawah sedar kita dari awal akan keseronokan yg menimbulkan kemahuan.. maka nanti disaat ada kesempatan, kemahuan itu akan menjadi keperluan.. kerna itu yg minda bawah sedar kita percaya..

apa yg mahu aku perkatakan disini ialah berbaloikah segala 'kerja keras' kita tersebut berbanding 'keperluan' kita.. adakah sebenarnya 'kerja keras' kita itu untuk memenuhi 'keperluan' atau sekadar memuaskan ego kita sendiri? sementelah benarkah kita hanya sekadar mencari nafkah?

[origin : Am I wrong? ]


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Koperasi HPA umum dividen 14%

"Dividen empat peratus lebih tinggi
berbanding tahun modal saham berakhir 30 Jun 2007"

Pengumuman ketika Mesyuarat Agung Perwakilan Tahunan Kali ke-3 pada 20 Jun lalu di Hotel De Palma Ampang, Selangor. Dipetik dari

[origin : Am I wrong? ]


Saturday, June 20, 2009

What is your net worth position?

below are the median net worth of American family by group..
based on 2004 statistic by Federal Reserved
but still interesting to be use as a benchmark..
are you in right track?


Thursday, June 18, 2009

How to calculate net worth?

net worth = income - liabilities

step 1: list all your assets

cash : in-hand and bank account
shares : including asb and unit-trust nav
retirement account : epf and such
takaful : current cash value
real estate : current value of house, land and building
personal property : car, antiques, jewelry, etc.

step 2: list all your liabilities

bank loan: mortgage, vehicle loan, personal loan, etc
credit card: the balance that you own the bank
other debt: loan from friend, relatives, government, etc.

step 3: use net worth calculator or worksheet

some net worth calculator available online

sample of net worth worksheet available online
Microsoft Office Online (excel template) : Financial Planning (html) (excel)
Simple Biz Planning, Inc (pdf)

and get the value..
thats your net worth.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How to do financial assessment?

prepare financial statement before going planning..

cashflow statement
current cashflow accouting
which show financial health and habit

net worth statement
balance sheet of asset vs liabilities
which show financial position


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How sahabah makes their wealth?

this is only several example..

Umar Al-Khattab ra
• inherited 70.000 properties (farm) value at 160 million dinar

Utsman ‘Affan ra
• cash = 151,000 dinar + 1,000 dirham
• inherited properties along Aris dan Khaibar
• water supplies worth 200,000 dinar

Zubair Awwam ra
• cash = 50,000 dinar
• 1,000 horses for jihad
• 1,000 slaves

Amr Al-Ash ra
• cash = 300,000 dinar

Abdurrahman Auf ra
• more than all sahabah's wealth!!
• in one occassion during Rasulullah SAW periode,
he made an infaq of 40,000 dinar

condition during sahabah government

during Umar Al-Khattab ra (10 years service)
• Mu’adz bin Jabal told, in Yaman,
its difficult to find poor people that can accept zakat
• teacher in Madinah get paid 15 dinar/month
(Ash-Shinnawi, 2006)

during Umar ibnu Abdul Aziz ra (3 years service)
• Yahya bin Sa’id (an amil) said,
“when i want to distribte zakat, i cannot find any poor people.
Umar Abdul Aziz made it enough for everybody”.
(Ibnu Abdil Hakam, siroh Umar bin Abdul Azis)
• letter from Governor Bashrah,
“all the people live wealthy, and i am afraid they will become takabbur and arrogant.”

wealth is not a sin..

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Estate Planning example: man with 2 wives scenario

the scenario:
the mother still alive and the father has passed away.
first wife, with 1 son and 1 daughter.
second wife, with 1 daughter.

the estate:
first house : RM 350,000
second house : RM 250,000
takaful : RM 200,000
epf : RM 145,000
shares : RM 55,000
total estate: RM 1,000,000

if the man passed away without leaving a wisoyah (will)
the estate will be distribute according to faraidh as below:
the estate summary:

mother : RM 166,666.67

first wife: RM 62,500.00
son : RM 354,166,67
daughter : RM 177,083.33
total : RM 593,750

second wife : RM 62,500.00
daughter : RM 177,083.33
total : RM 239,583.33

among the issue is the second wife may need a consent either from the mother or the first wife and children to redha their portion in the second house for her, as her daughter and her portion not enough to entitled her the second house.

but let say if the husband made a wisoyah (will) as follow:

the wisoyah:

Matrimonial Claim (Harta Sepencarian):
first house to first wife : RM 175,000
second house to second wife : RM 125,000

Takaful to first wife : RM 100,000
Takaful to second wife : RM 100,000
Cash to son : RM 50,000
Cash to daughter 1 : RM 50,000
Cash to daughter 2 : RM 50,000

Cash : RM 50,000

total wisoyah : RM 700,000
balance for faraidh : RM 300,000

the faraidh distribution will be as below:
the estate summary:

mother : RM 50,000

first wife : RM 293,750
son : RM 156,250
daughter: RM 103,125
total: RM 553,125

second wife: RM 243,750
daughter: RM 103,125
total: RM 346,875

waqf : RM 50,000

the husband not only eliminate the complication that will occurs,
but he also able to allocate part of his estate as waqf.


Why we need to save?

the basic of economy planning in Quran..

The King of Egypt had a dream that Allah the Exalted made a reason for Yusuf's release from prison, with his honor and reputation preserved. When the king had this dream, he was astonished and fearful and sought its interpretation. He gathered the priests, the chiefs of his state and the princes and told them what he had seen in a dream, asking them to interpret it for him. They did not know its interpretation and as an excuse, they said,

[أَضْغَـثُ أَحْلَـمٍ]

(Mixed up false dreams), which you saw,

[وَمَا نَحْنُ بِتَأْوِيلِ الاٌّحْلَـمِ بِعَـلِمِينَ]

(and we are not skilled in the interpretation of dreams.) They said, had your dream been a vision rather than a mixed up false dream, we would not have known its interpretation. The man who was saved from the two, who were Yusuf's companions in prison, remembered. Shaytan plotted to make him forget the request of Yusuf, to mention his story to the king. Now, years later, he remembered after forgetfulness and said to the king and his entourage,

[أَنَاْ أُنَبِّئُكُمْ بِتَأْوِيلِهِ]

(I will tell you its interpretation,) he interpretation of this dream,


(so send me forth.) to the prison, to Yusuf, the man of truth. So they sent him, and he said to Yusuf,

[يُوسُفُ أَيُّهَا الصِّدِّيقُ أَفْتِنَا]

(O Yusuf, the man of truth! Explain to us..) and mentioned the king's dream to him.

This is when Yusuf, peace be upon him, told the interpretation of the dream, without criticizing the man for forgetting his request that he had made to him. Neither did he make a precondition that he be released before explaining the meaning. Rather, he said,

[تَزْرَعُونَ سَبْعُ سِنِينَ دَأَبًا]

(For seven consecutive years, you shall sow as usual) `you will receive the usual amount of rain and fertility for seven consecutive years.' He interpreted the cows to be years, because cows till the land that produce fruits and vegetables, which represent the green ears of corn in the dream. He next recommended what they should do during these fertile years,

[فَمَا حَصَدتُّمْ فَذَرُوهُ فِى سُنبُلِهِ إِلاَّ قَلِيلاً مِّمَّا تَأْكُلُونَ]

(and that (the harvest) which you reap you shall leave it in the ears, (all) except a little of it which you may eat.) He said, `Whatever you harvest during those seven fertile years, leave it in the ears so as to preserve it better. This will help the harvest stay healthy longer, except the amount that you need to eat, which should not be substantial. Stay away from extravagance, so that you use what remains of the harvest during the seven years of drought that will follow the seven fertile years.' This was represented by the seven lean cows that eat the seven fat cows. During the seven years of drought, they will eat from the harvest they collected during the seven fertile years, as represented by the dry ears of corn in the dream. Yusuf told them that during these years, the remaining ears will not produce anything and whatever they try to plant, will not produce any harvest, so he said,

[يَأْكُلْنَ مَا قَدَّمْتُمْ لَهُنَّ إِلاَّ قَلِيلاً مِّمَّا تُحْصِنُونَ]

(which will devour what you have laid by in advance for them, (all) except a little of that which you have guarded (stored).) He delivered the good news to them that after the consecutive years of drought, there will come a fertile year, during which people will receive rain and the land will produce in abundance. The people will then press wine and oil as usual.

Tafsir Ibn Kathir on Surah Yusof: 43-49

does it match below economy theory?


Where should i save my money?

savings must have a balance of three elements:
1) accessibility
so that we can easily get it when we need to use it.
2) security
the peace of knowing we wouldn't lose it.
3) growth
at least not to be depreciated by inflation.

sealed the savings target with a risk protection..
then worry no more


Sunday, June 7, 2009

How to do estate settlement?

* wisoyah is an Islamic will document.

** in the current practice, the gross value higher than RM 600,000 will be transfer to High Court. however, the law has been passed to increase the value to RM 2 million but not yet endorsed by the government.

What happen when we die?

we are not planning to die.
we don't do death planning.
but we are expecting all the unexpected.
because we don't want to inherit the fitna to our heirs.

Which investment suits me?

decision is a process.

each investment tool represent your wealth positioning.
the higher it goes mean the return is also higher.

higher return also mean higher risk.
know your risk level mean..
understanding how much you can afford to lose.

What is zakat / tax planning?

first step of the planning is..
to understand all the element that can be used for planning.
knowledge is a refining information.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

What is the difference between takaful and insurance?

in the 80s, theres already a fatwa haram on insurance which initiate the Takaful Act 1984. the haram status based on element of gharar (uncertainty), gambling and riba (usury), which has been identify in conventional insurance practice. in addition to that, every takaful company must have their own Syariah Supervision Council.

Why we need takaful?

in order to protect ourself from risk,
we need to understand what is our risk?

so, is it true that takaful only good when we die?

How much should we spend?

above illustration is the ideal income distribution. its not a must-follow and only to be use as a benchmark to understand our income vs expenses distribution. different people may have their own budget depending on their own need and target.

budget planning doesn’t means to reduce the necessary need, but to eliminate the unnecessary wants. it can be achieve by monitoring your expenses daily (make notes if possible) and do re-assessment at least on quarter-yearly basis.

"too many people spend money they haven't earned,
to buy things they don't want,
to impress people whom they don't like."

Will Rogers
american humourist, actor and writer


What is Financial Planning?

Element of Financial Planning:

# Cashflow management : analysing expenses and budget planning
# Debt management : re-evaluating existing debt
# Takaful/Risk management : understanding the need for protection
# Investment planning : the art of accumulating wealth
# Zakat/Tax planning : wealth purification
# Pusaka/Estate planning : wealth distribution

*Disposable Money
-the net balance of income after deductions and expenses

*Accumulated Capital
-the amount of savings

**element of Zakat/Tax planning is not mention in illustration because it need to be plan inclusively with the other elements

Friday, June 5, 2009

awal bismillah

In the name of Allah swt,
the Most Beneficient,
the Most Merciful.

All praise belongs to Allah swt.
Salawah and peace be upon the prophet Muhammad saw,
and his family.

Amma ba'du..

May peace be upon you.